Film & Media Workshops

WKU Exposure

Film & Media Workshops

WKU Exposure

Film & Media Workshops

WKU Exposure

Last Rah-Rah

What is life? Life is time spent and documented on a piece of paper disregarding the fact that what we have may not always be ours.
When it finally hit me today that we would all be going our separate ways, my eyes became oceans, and I was naked to every single emotion I felt in that moment. As my eyes were becoming bloodshot, I just kept thinking about how much I could have changed had I been more open from the start. If that’s possible…

I honestly wish that I could have been a better friend to all of you. You all have been nothing but genuine to me, even when I didn’t deserve it. I gave you attitude, and maybe even talked about how much you got on my nerves, but you dealt with me. I’m not sure how much I can say that would make any of this hurt less, but I guess I can try. I love all of you.

First of all, I’m sorry to Charley for not being the friend I should have been while we were here, things got intense between us, but we finally made it through.

To Erica & Kelsey, my absolute ride or dies, I love you both more than you can ever know. You all have been honest and real and accepting of me since day one. You have shown me how to not be afraid and to embrace myself because I am different.

To Jazzy & Vicky, you two honestly knew how to light up my face at the most unimaginable times. Jazzy, you truly amaze me, I admire you and your insatiable hunger for joy and happiness in your life. There should be at least ten more of you in my life.

Vicky, from the first day you have been one of my biggest GaGa monsters, and I think that goes without saying, but you are one amazing girl.

Simone, I don’t even know where to start. I just know that I don’t want our friendship to be put on hold just because this is the end of Xposure, we have connected on a level beyond any other. I love you more than I love the “Dow Jones News fund.” hahaha, I am so truly blessed to have you in my life. You light up every single ember of my life and I cannot wait to see you after today.

To Adam, thank you for being such an openly awesome spirit, without you I’m not sure alot of us would be on the best of terms. You are the mediator, the glue that kept us all together, and even though I want to cut your gorgeous locks of brown hair, you still rah-rah-rah-rah-rah-ck my world kid.

Kate, you are sooo amazing. I’m not sure I ever expected to come here and meet somebody that loves skins just as much as I do. Your fun personality seriously helped me smile through a lot of pain.

John, you are a TRIP. Once again, you’re one of many that I have connected with on a completely different level. It’s so weird because we go to the same school, and I have never seen you before. I am so happy that we got to meet, because you are definitely someone that I admire, not only because of your silent strength, but because of how many facets there are to your “complex” personality.

Franey, I am so very sorry. I honestly wish that you would have been with us through all of this. You have alienated yourself from the rest of us, and then expect us to include you, and its just not the way things work. We honestly built some kind of dysfunctional family during our time here. I really just wish that we would have embraced you into our inner circle because I know how it feels to be left out and not included with other people, and it hurts. So when you get tired of that, just call me, I’m always here for you.

Dee(: wow. Just wow. What on earth can I say to kick this off? You seriously have shown me so much while I was here. You have taught me not to judge people just because of their personality, and not to assume the worst in people all of the time, because a lot of people are severely fragile. I am so so so happy we are friends now. I really feel like you’re almost a brother to me. It makes me so happy that you are who you are.

Where do we go from here guys? I love you all more than the air I breathe. And it took me too long to realize it, but you all have changed me, inside and out. I can’t even express how much I love you all. You make me a better person, and there’s not many people I can say that for. I’m just so happy, I could die, and it’s alright <3
Love forever,

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