Film & Media Workshops

WKU Exposure

Film & Media Workshops

WKU Exposure

Film & Media Workshops

WKU Exposure

The Xposure Xperience

I know I’m a little late in posting this but I got really busy towards the end of the workshop so I didn’t have time to write about this.

The Workshop started off really fun and got even better as time went on. From the beginning until the end we made jokes about pretty much everything and discussed every topic known that came up in our random conversations. All the field trips, videos and speakers were great even though sometimes we worked so hard that we could barely keep our heads up whenever someone was talking to us. This workshop was definitely the opposite of what I thought it was going to be. I will never forget our group and I hope to see most of the group later in life.

Ashanti Banks: You were definitely the boss of the group and was always making us laugh or in Sarah’s case making her choke on whatever she had in her mouth. You are a really good writer and I wish you well with editing your school newspaper. You taught me a lot in the 12 days we were together and I will definitely use it later on in life. I got really close to you and you know stuff about me that not even a lot of my friends know. One day we should get together and drink some PURPLE DRANK.

Mattie Russell: HALLE BERRY! lol. The country girl of the group and one of the most talented and passionate photographers I have ever met. I’m glad that I got to get to know you through this workshop because if I wouldn’t have then I would’ve just judged you on my first thought of you, which wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad either. You had a ton of amazing pictures and I’m glad that you got the Photography Scholarship instead of me because that means you are more likely to come to WKU! From wearing your ring and attempting to take your phone everyday, to getting mad at you because you would go to sleep early every night, I’m just glad I got to meet you. Maybe whenever you come to WKU you will stay up later and not text so much. 

Chante’ Bean: Undisputedly the loudest person of our group and one of the best photographers also. You were never afraid of anything. Whether it be saying something really loud that wasn’t meant to be said loud or basically diving on the ground to get the picture you wanted. You and Ashanti kept me laughing the entire workshop. You and Michael made the best interracial couple in all of Kentucky. For example, that night that you choked him and you ended up upside down and he was in front of you. Ahhh…good times. Good times. Come to WKU!

Lexi Fletcher aka Cheddar: You were like the most random person in the whole workshop. Even though we had issues in the beginning, after that night where we had it all out, those issues disappeared and it was smooth sailing for us. You definitely surprised me with your writing skills whenever our newspaper was published. You seemed so silly and carefree yet the whole time you were serious and had a masterpiece waiting to be revealed. You have a good mind even if it is super silly and stuck on cheddar sometimes.

Alexis Washington: BEST FRIEND!!! Hahaha. You surprised the entire group whenever we figured out that you were only 14. Its okay though young one. You were really cool after we got everything cleared up. The only thing that was wrong with you was that you were extremely addicted to gum until Scooby and I had to break you of that habit. Im glad I met you. Btw…women are equal and deserve respect. haha

Chelsie Stevens: You never really said much in the beginning and I guess it was because you were trying to figure out what we were like before you said something. Towards the end of the workshop you began to talk more but you were still quiet. The only times I ever heard you talk loudly were when you were telling Kearston to shut up. hahaha. You were funny and a good writer.

Kalie Gipson: Straight up thug is the easiest way to describe you. I have to give it to you though, Tupac is the man. And you were right, Kobe did win the Championship. Never really said much but you did voice your opinion on anything and everything and could always back it up. Congrats on getting one of the scholarships. You got to take something home with you.

Sarah Mustian: We had some very interesting times. From giving you snake bites all the time and making you chase after me, to saving your life whenever you were choking on salad, through it all you are still one of the people I will remember most out of this group. You were a great photographer even though neither Scooby or myself gave you much credit. I’m glad I saved your life because if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have had anywhere near as much fun. Btw, are you really choking? Are you serious?

Kearston Winrow aka Katie Couric: Wow. I never met a more contradicting person in my life. You definitely have some different interest but you are very strong willed. I believe that you can take Katie Couric’s job if you do a few things first. Stop being so negative, stop hanging in parking lots, and lastly stop cutting people off when they talk. LOL. Being confident is nothing to be ashamed off because even though people may say they don’t like you because of it, they are jealous because they can’t be as confident as you.

Adrian Tate: Is this lunch? That was definitely in the top of 5 things I heard the entire workshop. Man, you were a little slow sometimes but once you started catching on to stuff you were really funny. I got to admit, you would always burn me whenever I wasn’t expecting it. Sometimes it would take me awhile to come up with a good response to whatever you said. Even though we called you slow, you proved us wrong whenever you started writing and talking to us about technology.

Michael Danahy aka Chuck: Save the best friend for last. I met you first and from the minute we said “hey, what’s up?” comedy and a good friendship were born. We had tons of fun hanging out and making jokes and running together. I’m glad I had you as a running partner because if I didn’t then I would’ve gone insane. You would do anything to make people laugh and thats a great characteristic to have. You will probably be my campaign manager whenever I run for president just because I know when its time to get serious, you can out work anyone. But whenever there is down time, you can make anyone laugh and keep it real with me. You kept me in check most of the time and you were always there to listen anytime I was confused or worried or just wanted to talk. I would do anything for you and I’m sure you would do the same for me. I can’t say enough about you but I hope this sums it up.

I’m going to miss you all. If any of you ever come back to Bowling Green then call me and I will take you to dinner or a Hot Rods game or something. Everyone should consider coming to WKU so we can work together again and make more newspapers, because it was really fun.

I love you all and I wish you all the best in life. I hope our paths will cross again someday so we can look back on these great days. Call me, text me or e-mail me if you ever need anything.

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The Xposure Xperience