I will miss all of you. This has honestly been one of the best experiences I have ever encountered. You all are wonderful, and super talented and I enjoyed your company. I thank you guys for all the advice you gave me while here. I keep remembering a quote from Ms. Darla Carter in which she said, the workshop helped her build confidence. I can say that this workshop has done the same for me.
All the advisors were wonderful, enthusiastic, and had so much information to give. I had never met any photojournalists in my whole life. And thanks to the workshop I have met many.Thank you counselors, coaches,and Mr. A for this opportunity.
Lastly, I would like to say that this experience brought me back to the reasons why I love photojournalism, and journalism in general. The Courier-Journal journalists said it best; it’s about the people, it’s about telling a story. The people that I have met while off on assignments, or shooting pictures, or staying up late nights to chat with have all impacted me. They’ve all got a story. Whether its Ranger Jerry teaching me cave history 101, or the WKU RA’s; they all have multiple stories to tell, and experiences to share… I will never forget this. This experience has been eye-opening and I can honestly say I will travel back to Memphis Tenn., with a renewed vigor for photojournalism, new inspiration, and new friends. I am proud of you all, and I am mostly proud of myself. Veni Vidi Vici. I came, I saw, I conquered; the Western Kentucky University 2011 Xposure Journalism Program.
God Bless,
Lyndsey Pender