Throughout this program I have learned in-dept about the journalism, myself, and dealing with others. When I first showed up at WKU I was scared out of my mind, nervous, and didnt know what to expect out of this experience. Throughout our field trips, lectures, dorm parties, and 3 am talks with Brittony, Tim, and Garr, and fights and disagreements I have learned a lot. I have learned that I like the independent feeling of a college campuses and that I could stay away from my Mommie for 2 weeks. I have learned the basics of photojournalism as well as print. I know about how important angles, and lighting are in trying to capture a moment that will speak a story to the reader. I also learned how important leads, and short paragraphs are in deciding on whether the reader picks up and reads your paper or throws it away. I also improved on accepting constructive criticism. But what I learned most was about myself and other people. I now look at Xposure Workshop as a family.
Me: I learned that I can make the best out of any experience, this program also forced me to be responsible, and independent.
Ode to Everyone (LOOK FOR YOUR NAME)
Tim- Oh Tim…when I first met you (and Seth) I was like “Oh Gosh here are a couple know it alls” but that is the complete opposite when I got to know you the past 2 weeks. You are very helpful to me when I need it and you (or Seth) are my go to guys when I need help or have a question. I will miss yall.
Three Musketeers: I Love Yall {I gave you guys two feel special :))}
Musketeer 1: Jennifer – You are a sweet heart and I will miss your silliness. You are a great person and never forget that! I will miss you.
Musketeer 2: Jackie- You are the happiest person I know. You are the only person who said good morning to everyone at 5 or 6 in the morning. You are also the hair stylist, make-up artist, and eye brow plucker:) But any ways you tried to hook me on AMPS lol … I will miss you tons.
Musketeer 3: Yazmine- You are my personal favorite of the 3 Musketeers. You are crazy, and so sweet. I love how you say my name, I dont know why but nobody else says it like that. Youn also matched with me when we went to the Xposure Club 🙂 So basically I love and will miss you chica
Lyndsey- Where to begin…Oh ROOMSIES  I love you. You are the best roomsies that anyone could ever ask for. You had my back 24/7 and I had yours. I love how we can be crazy together, and how we both bust out in song all the time. I love the natural look forget Garr says. You (and Kamilah) are like my big sisters of the program. I think its amazing that the youngest hangs with the oldest and we are like The Treacherous Three (or something like that.) I also loved how you and Kamilah held my hand or on to me during the harder parts of Mammoth Cave because I started to chicken out. 🙂 As well as staying up late talking to Brittony, Garr, or Tim I will miss you OH SO MUCH. Next time I come to Memphis I will be sure to call and or facebook my ROOMSIES. 🙂
Kamilah- Ohh Kamilah (pronounced in the wrong way). I love you oh so much. I feel like I have known you and Lyndsey forever and not only 2 weeks. You keep me in my right mind, and I look at you as more like as a big sister. You always walk back to the dorm with me so I’m safe lol. I found it out we are the Treacherous Three or something like that. You are gonna make a great TV anchor, and will be very successful.I also loved how y’all ALWAYS had my back throughout the program, even before we got super close. I also love how we end up staying up late every night talking to Brittony, Garr, or Tim
Lashana- Or should I say MS. CONSTANT STATUS LIKER/COMMENTER/UPDATER/THE WORST PICUTURE TAGGER/BLOGGER/VIDEO-MAKER. Basically I love you so much, because not everyone can do all those things and still humor me. Except for when you put those awful pics of me. But thats okay. I will really miss you Lashana Faye. I will have to steal you so you can come to Louisville or I come there. I will miss you soooo much.
Seth- Oh Mr. picture man you are the epitome of SWAGGG and you know that. 🙂 You are my go to guy when I have questions, or concerns about my pictures. I love ya Seth and I will miss you. Even though I am hating that your hair is longe than mine.:)
Heidi- You are a good person, We have had good times and bad times, I am glad I got to be in the workshop with you. Â I will miss you.
Alexis- You are the interesting person I know. You are so deep into thought quiet at one moment then the next moment you are loud and giggly. You are the go to guy when I want to know about a person’s personality, or vibes and stuff like that. You started sleeping under tables trend (which I have tried and it is comfortable), and you play pranks on people. You also always had my back throughout and I will miss you dearly. I love you very much. 🙂
Beverly – You are AMAZING, you are so calm and cool about everything. I love you oh so much. You are always there for me when I need you. You helped me when I got lost on campus, and you always had a seat for me if needed during meal time. You are a great person inside and out. I heart you hunn.
Diamond- Last but nit least Diamond. We have had an interesting relationship throughout this experience. We have had alot of good times, and a lot of bad times but through it all I can say yea thats Diamond. I can personally respect you because we are a lot alike but a lot diffrent. We stand for what we believe in regardless to who likes it or not and that is where our issues came in. We are to very strong ladies and for that I love you. I will miss you tons.
Mr. A- You ROCK Mr. A. you are the go to person for me when I want something graded or checked. You throw down on the grill, and be rolling on the roads. You just basically rock enough said.
Mr. Gary- You are hilarious and I love you Mr Gary. I have learned a lot from you about photography and being a professional reporter. You rock, not as much as Mr. A but you rock.
Ms. Brenda- I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU. YOU ARE THE BEST DORM COUNSELOR EVER. From our late talks with the top 3 desk clerks and your lil dnace lesson you taught us at Club Xposure. I love you ms. Brenda and I will miss you dearly.
Ms. Toni- You are great at what you do and I am glad that I got to learn so much from you. You are awesome. I love how you always say “you are not as good as you think you are.”