Nathan Mueller

High School/Mascot: Highlands High School, Fort Thomas, Kentucky. Blue bird.

Age: 16


Favorite subject: Math

Extracurricular activities: Runs sprints on the junior varsity track team. 

Favorite cartoon character: Does not watch many cartoons; Snoopy was one of the first characters that came to mind. 

Favorite song: “Meantime” by Spacehog, which he listens to consistently throughout the day.

Favorite slang word/phrase: “I have no idea.” 

Parents: Lori and David

Siblings: None

Dream college: University of Cincinnati because it is close to his home and offers his major of choice, computer science. 

If you could have a movie made about your life, what would the story line be? Who would star as you and what’s the movie title?

The movie would be about someone trying to be a programmer since he wants to be one when he grows up. Brad Pitt would be the star because they look alike. 

What are your three must haves?

His three must haves are his laptop, protein powder, and running shoes. Mueller runs track, making his running shoes a necessary part of his attire. He also drinks protein powder every morning for breakfast and loves to write stories on his laptop to fill out free time. 

What’s the best part about social media and the worst?

Does not use social media unless necessary for professional purposes because of personal preference.

What do you admire about Gen Z? What do you dislike about Gen Z?

He likes how confident they are because it makes them easier to talk to. He dislikes that they can oftentimes be pretentious and self-centered.

Did the pandemic change the way you live and do things?

The pandemic severely affected his school work and shifted it from a paper-based program to an online-based program. At his job, they have to sign in on a paper where they agree that they do not have COVID-19 even in 2023.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Mueller has set goals of having a good job and building a good family. He wants to own a house and have a consistent income. 

What is your ideal life/dream job?

He wants to be a software developer for either Google or Amazon. He hopes that his experience in journalism will allow him to build his skills in communicating when he starts his desired career.
 Who inspires you and why?

His mom inspires him because she works hard to keep them on their feet. His mom usually works late hours, causing her to not be there when he gets home. 

If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would it be and why?

He would live in Venice, Italy, because of all the boats and canals. It is a dream of Mueller’s to visit Venice at least once in his lifetime. 

If you could trade places with the President of the United States for one day, what would you do as president?

He would make LaCroix illegal. He has gathered a strong dislike of LaCroix over time because his dad will leave cans in a pile beside his recycle bin. 

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment? He was awarded best editorial writer in Kentucky because he put a lot of effort into the stories that won. Mueller’s favorite style of writing is opinion. 

What do you see as your biggest regret? He regrets quitting football at a young age because he would have liked to stay in it and play during high school. He says football would benefit him.