David Quintanilla

High School, Mascot: Bowling Green High School, Bowling Green, Kentucky, Purples 

Grade: 12

Age: 17

Favorite subject: English

Extracurricular activities: David works on his school newspaper and runs a movie critic Instagram account.

Favorite superhero: Batman.

Favorite word: David calls his dad, among others, “bro.”

Parents: Miguel and Ana

Siblings: Two younger brothers, Christian and Mateo

Dream College: UCLA, because he has family nearby and an aunt who works there.

If you could have a movie made about your life, what would the story line be? Who would star as you and what’s the movie’s title?

David says his movie would be titled, Best of Days, a story of a kid who sits in his room all day, starring Xolo Mariduena.

What are your three must haves?

Pen, glasses, GQ (magazine), hat.

What’s the best part about social media and the worst?

David likes that he can communicate with international families but hates the fakeness (filters etc.).

What do you admire about Gen Z? What do you dislike about Gen Z?

He hates modern movie remakes (Disney Live Action, White Men Can’t Jump, BangKok Dangerous, The Karate Kid, etc.). David could not think of anything positive at the time of our interview.

Did the pandemic change the way you live and do things?


Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In a cubicle writing for a newspaper.

What is your ideal life/dream job?

David aspires to be an English professor because he has a love for English and doesn’t believe there are enough minority professors.

If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would it be?

Mexico City for the food, culture and family, but mostly the food.

Who or what inspires you and why?

His dad because he went to WKU for journalism and writes for a Catholic newspaper.

If you could trade places with the president of the United States for one day, what would you do as president?

He would reinvent DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) to be better accommodating to those born to undocumented parents.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

1st in Educational Rising, which is a competition for high schoolers who show interest in teaching.

What do you see as your biggest regret?

Not having any real interests until seventh grade..