Tibni Valle

High School/mascot: Bowling Green High School, Bowling Green, Kentucky, Purples

Grade: 12

Age: 17        

Favorite subject: Math and English 

Extracurricular activities: None

Favorite cartoon character, anime or superhero: Killua-Zoldyck. “He’s just cool.” 

Favorite song: “Hey Big Star” by Kishi Bashi

Favorite slang word/phrase: “Anyways”

Parents: Areli & Agustin 

Siblings: Itai, Shari, Joanna, Ezri, Ahinadab, Adami

Dream college: “NYU because my sister goes there”

If you could have a movie made about your life, what would the story line be? Who would star as you, and what’s the movie title?

Valle said she gets a lot of compliments because of her comparison with Jenna Ortega. Her storyline would be moving around from place to place. Valle also said the title of her movie is, “I Wish I Was Making This Up!”

What are your three must haves?

Phone, AirPods, hot fries

What’s the best part about social media and the worst?

“The best part about it is you can connect with a lot of people, but the worst part is it’s dangerous and there’s a lot of fake people.”

What do you admire about Gen Z? What do you dislike about Gen Z?

Valle said a positive benefit is that the generation takes a lot of action but a negative side is that the generation takes things overboard. 

Did the pandemic change the way you live and do things?

  “Yes, it changed the way I lived because I wore masks everywhere I went.”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

“In college at NYU or wherever life takes me”

What is your ideal life/dream job?

Valle said her dream job would be a lawyer because she loves to argue and they make loads of money. 

If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would it be and why?

“Mexico, because I like to be around the culture, and my family.”

Who or what inspires you and why?

Valle said her family inspires her because they encourage her even when she doesn’t believe in herself. 

If you could trade places with the president of the United States for one day, what would you do as president?

“Find a way to make healthcare more affordable and accountable.”

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

Valle said her greatest accomplishment is being a person anyone can trust and can rely on. 

What do you see as your biggest regret?

“Moping because I spend a lot of time being miserable.”